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Robert Brun

Robert Brun

Sergeant at Arms

Born and raised in Windsor, ON., Robert is a proud Italian/Canadian with family roots in the Friuli Venzia Guilia region. He has been active at the Caboto Club for most of his life, having played for Caboto Soccer in his youth and then returning as a Coach, running teams at various ages and skill levels, volunteering and working in many areas of the club. You may have seen Robert bartending, cleaning and spinning records at club dances. Robert is currently employed with Electrozad Supply Company where he has been employed for almost 40 years in a muriad of job functions in sales, as a Product Data specialst whiler managing the company's eCommerce site and most recently has returned back to his purchasing department where he currently serves a a Senior Corporate Buyer.

Robert has been a member of the Giovanni Caboto Club since 2011 and has been on the Board of Directors since 2014 serving as Chairman or Co-Chair of the Caboto Park, Charity Pasta, Beer & Wine Tasting, Lecture Series and Communications committees. Robert currently serves as Sergent at Arms and currently is the co-chairman of the Operations Committee being responsible for the Quartley Newsletter and the annual Giovanni Caboto calendar. Robert also participates in the Member's Events Committee taking the lead on the Caboto Club's Archives and co-lead for the Memorial Mass Celebration held every November.

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Address: 2175 Parent Ave, Windsor, ON N8X 4K2
Office: 519-252-8383
Pizzeria: 519-252-3878

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